Loan to Own Computer Program

The Loan-to-Own Computer program was approved by the Board of Trustees as one means of encouraging faculty and staff to increase their understanding of how computers can enhance the educational environment of the District and was developed by the District Instructional Technology Council (DITC) working with the Centers for Teaching and Learning (CTL) and the college bookstores. It is designed to support the District’s interest in expanding the use of personal computers as part of the educational experience for students.

Eligible participants may purchase a computer and related peripherals from the college bookstore with an interest free-loan that can be paid back via monthly payroll deduction over a two- or three-year period, depending on the amount of the loan.

Participants must meet one of the following critieria:

  • Contract faculty who have been employed in the District for a minimum of one (1) semester
  • Adjunct faculty who have been continuously employed for a minimum of three (3) years (six (6) semesters)
  • Regular classified staff who are benefits eligible and who have been employed in the District for a minimum of six (6) months
  • Supervisors and managers who have been employed in the District for a minimum of six (6) months

An employee who currently has a federally mandated or state mandated wage garnishment is ineligible and an employee who is currently under progressive disciplinary action is ineligible

Please follow these instructions to purchase your computer:

  1. Download, read and sign the Loan to Own Questions and Answer Document.
  2. Bring the signed document and your "G number" to the bookstore (College of San Mateo & District Office, please see James Peacock; Cañada College, please see Jai Kumar; Skyline College, please see Kevin Chak). The Bookstore will contact District Human Resources on your behalf for approval of participation in this program. The Bookstore or District Human Resources will notify you of your approval of participation.
  3. Bring your system's configuration and list of software and accessories to the Bookstore for ordering. System configuration assistance is available from your campus CTL.
  4. You will be notified by the bookstore when your order is ready for pick up at the Bookstore and to finalize your Loan 2 Own contract.